
17/12/2014 – Fastenica winner of Horizon 2020 SME Instruments Phase I

Fastenica srl and Ekymed srl have been winners of call ICT-37-2014 “Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme” implemented through the SME Instrument in the framework of Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the[…]


“Applico” Award – Biomedical Innovation Excellence 2014 – Fastenica among the winners (in italian)

  PREMIO APPLICO-OFTALMOLOGIA 2014: i Vincitori Il Premio Applico- Oftalmologia 2014 si è concluso durante il Congresso della Società Italiana di Oftalmologia a Roma, con la premiazione di quattro iniziative per la ricerca di eccellenza che vuole diventare impresa. Secondo Giovanni Cottino, fondatore della Fondazione Giovanni ed Annamaria Cottino “il Premio Applico vuole aiutare i bravi ricercatori[…]


SweetLight – a new robotic platform for eye surgery

The ECHORD++ LA-ROSES project team, namely Francesca Rossi (Institute of Applied Physics CNR – Florence), Luca Menabuoni (Head of Surgery Corneal Experimental Ophthalmology at UO ASL 4 of Prato), Bernardo Magnani (Ekymed Spa), Fabio Leoni (Fastenica Ltd.) and Luca Giannoni (El.En. Group Spa) have recently received an award from the “Giovanni and Annamaria Cottino” Foundation[…]